Ready to Graduate?
Important Dates for Spring 2025 Graduates
- January 2, 2025 - Intent to Graduate available in LionPATH
- January 27, 2025 - Deadline to file Intent to Graduate in LionPATH
- March 13, 2025 - Deadline for Updating Diploma Name/Address in LionPATH
- April 11, 2025 - Deadline to declare concurrent majors in addition to adding a minor or certificate to your academic record
- April 17 and 18, 2025 - Graduation Fair
- May 9, 2025 - Abington Commencement
- May 20, 2025 - Degree conferral (completion) appears on academic transcript
- May 27, 2025 - Diplomas mailed (week of)
If you are intending on completing all degree requirements in current term but did not file your intent to graduate by the deadline in LionPATH, you must contact your college to be added manually. For contact information click below:
Degree Completion Questions
Abington College
Timothy Smalarz
[email protected]
College of Engineering
Karen Marsela/Brianna Gearhart
[email protected]/[email protected]
Shelby Watson
[email protected]
College of Nursing
Kimberly Hodges
[email protected]
It's never too early to begin thinking about graduation. We want you to avoid the last minute disappointment in discovering that you have not met all of your graduation requirements, so here are a few reminders to assist in your final preparation:
- Meet with your adviser and review your degree audit.
- Apply for graduation in LionPATH (Deadlines are posted on each semester’s Academic Calendar).
- Work with your instructors to clear up any deferred grades. (if applicable)
- Be sure to address any registration holds. You can find holds in your Communication Center in LionPATH.
- If you will be taking credits at another institution during your semester of graduation, please consult with your adviser to make sure the course will complete any remaining Penn State degree requirements. (You will not graduate if the transfer course is not received, evaluated, and posted to your record before the graduation deadline)
- Pay attention to your Bursar account. Any unpaid charges may delay receipt of your diploma and/or official transcript
- Be on the lookout for information regarding participation in Penn State Abington's Commencement Ceremony.
Seeking Permission to Walk at Commencement in term you are not graduating/completing degree
If you are seeking Permission to Walk at the Commencement ceremony before the semester in which you graduate, you will need approval from the Abington College Registrar’s office. Please contact complete the form here no later than Friday, February 18. Students are only able to request permission if they meet the criteria described here: O-6: Participation in Commencement Ceremonies.
It is critical for the University to have the correct information for the diploma and an accurate diploma mailing address for each student. Visit the Registrar’s Graduation Website for additional information on making corrections. Diplomas will be mailed, at no cost, approximately four to six weeks after the ceremony. If you have questions regarding your diploma please contact the Office of the University Registrar.
End of Semester Transcripts for Graduating Students
The official transcript is the University’s official statement of your academic record. It lists all courses completed, all grades earned, and the semester in which they were received. The official transcript also contains notations of distinctions, minors, options, and degrees received. The official transcript is printed on security sensitive paper and contains the University seal and signature of the University Registrar. You may be asked to provide a copy of your official transcript to potential employers, graduate schools, professional organizations, and so on. It is very common for these employers and organizations to request that the University send your transcript directly to them. For your protection, we will not release an official transcript without your permission and signature. The degree conferral message will not appear on the transcript until approximately two weeks after the graduation ceremony. If you ordered an end-of-semester transcript, it will not be processed until the degree conferral message has been posted. For ordering transcripts, visit , see the Registrar’s Transcripts web site for additional information and instructions on how to obtain your transcript.
Graduating with Distinction (Academic Honors)
Preliminary distinction (based on the cumulative grade point average as of the semester prior to degree conferral) may be acknowledged at the commencement ceremony. For further information, click here. Students who meet this requirement will be provided their cord at the Graduation Fair.
Military Honor Cord
Undergraduate students who have honorably served, are serving, or are commissioned to serve in the U.S. military will be awarded an honor cord to wear at their commencement ceremony in recognition of their duty and sacrifice. Students will receive their military honors cord at the Graduation Fair.
Contact the University Registrar office
Office of the University Registrar
Penn State University
112 Shields Building
University Park, PA 16802
Phone: 814-865-6357
Email: [email protected]
Administrative Fax: 814-863-1929